Monday, March 14, 2011

All About My,,, Skin

Once upon a time not so long ago (only about a decade or so), a young girl fell deeply in love with Freeman. Not because it’s an attractive name, and not because of Freeman’s dashing good looks (though that played a part), but because Freeman made me feel great! The natural enzymes and fruit extract did wonders for my body from head to toe. And if a preteen could possibly know a thing about feeling pleasure,,, well,,,, that was it!
Though I’d love to indulge my audience in every fruity juicy detail about my many intimate escapades with my dear Freeman, the one that has been most on my mind lately is …….. Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone. This was by far the best my body had ever been treated and was everything a girl dreams of: rich, smooth, and makes ya feel all tingly and fresh. But aside from all that other stuff, let me tell you about what Freeman did for my skin:

When we think “beauty” we should think of clay. Even Cleopatra has been accused of using this ancient secret to stay young and beautiful. Clay offers major benefits to our bodies inside and out, so there’s NO wonder why it can do SUCH wonders to the largest organ we have; our skin. So not only does clay have the ability to transform from a glob of muck into a beautiful work of art, but it can also have the same effect on your face.

Avocado - otherwise known as the “alligator pear” - (for obvious reasons) is another one of God’s gifts to skin. Loaded with potassium and vitamins A, B, D, and E! Oooooh! And everyone knows vitamin E sounds good: E like Ecstasy, E like Energizing, E like boyfriend (inside joke), E like,,,,,,, Envigorating..... Okay well maybe not, but it sounds like it can work.
The oil of an avocado does its job at moisturizing without making the skin greasy. Furthermore, it works wonders on eczema just as its partner in crime; oatmeal. Oatmeal is known as the number 1 moisturizer for skin, and moisture,,,, well,, moisture sounds good in every sense.

So back to my darling Freeman and I; well after our first time I simply couldn’t resist going back for more. The memories we made together all those nights before I went to sleep is simply the stuff of legend which I shall never forget. I admit I spent more nights rendezvousing with Freeman than instructed, but I simply could not fight temptation. Freeman’s Avocado & Oatmeal Clay Mask had swept me off my feet, and we lived Happily Ever After……..
………….well,,,,, until my local beauty supplier stopped carrying it that is L . But since then I found that it can be purchased online at, so shop, enjoy, and prepare to fall in love!

Yours Truly,

Beauty’s loving D-vo-T!

I Do Concur:
(for further info)


  1. That was great! Entertaining and informative. What more could you ask for! Now I have to go try it.

  2. Yes Mo. I agree with Aziza. I'm gonna find Freeman real soon!! :)
