Monday, February 7, 2011

All About My,,, Nails

So, around this time two years ago I got professionally done silk wraps for the first time. I’d had them before, years ago, but I’d done them myself at home. So I went to this place on broad street in Bloomfield, New Jersey called “Nailz” owned by a woman named Lisa ???? She personally did mine for me. During which time I badgered her about how they must be done right and they MUST look natural….. Wait…… let’s rewind for a second…

Background info:
Growing up I’d always had really long strong nails. My mom used to have to cut them more than once a week. As a child I’d always looked forward to growing up and being able to keep my nails and paint them; which I eventually did –of course - but they get brittle in the winter time. Most people couldn’t believe it when I would tell them that my nails were real. I was never really fond of fake nails (or fake anything for that matter), but I admit this may be in part attributed to the fact that I’d never needed them.

So, due to my badgering, and partially to Lisa’s undiscovered talent, even she was impressed with how well my nails came out. She immediately became excited about doing more silk wraps expecting they’d come out just as well. I, of course, was thrilled that she’d achieved the natural look I was going for, and had long enjoyed throughout my pubescent years. Obviously I returned many times.

But Then,,,, (DUH DUH DUUHHH!! *scary music tone*
Just as all good things must come to an end (an aphorism which I refuse to believe), so did my relationship with my beloved manicurist. Eventually the endurance of my wraps began to dwindle sooner and sooner. I found myself having to stop by the salon more often to have a nail repaired. Furthermore, in her procedure she became less concerned with the health of my nails, which she knew was my concern, and more concerned with them looking good and taking up a minimal amount of her time. She began yanking off (OUCH!!) my old wraps when it was time to apply new ones; this is something that even MY Hercules nails could not withstand much more of. The fact that the quality of her Brazilian waxes also began to decline wasn’t helping her case in Beauty court either. To make a short story even shorter, I stopped going there.

The Rundown:

Would I go back? Yes in case of emergency.
  • For best results, if you’re going to visit this salon, do it on a sporadic basis.

Make sure you make what you want VERY well known.
  • Everyone else’s silk wraps didn’t look as natural as mine.

Silk wraps in general? They can be good if they are well maintained and removed properly.
  • I’m currently experimenting on crystal wraps for a comparison. Check back for results.

Yours truly,

Beauty's Loving D-vo-T!

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